

Unfinished conversations.

Unfinished feelings.

Unfinished relationships.

Unfinished thoughts.

So many thoughts that are left unsaid. So many words that need to be told.

I am told that I’m becoming more and more antisocial and I probably am. It seems the more people let me down, the more I withdraw.

Is it worth it?  Depends on the day, I guess.

Somewhere Between Right and Wrong

Everyone makes choices, everyone knows right from wrong, everyone struggles with the consequences of their actions. Well, as long as they have a conscience they do.

Sometimes making these decisions can prove quite difficult. Your heart might tell you one thing but your head is telling you the opposite.

I feel like I have this dilemma quite often.

I know listening to my heart is taking the selfish road, I’ve done it before and been called out on it. Sometimes I just can’t help myself though. Why is it so wrong to do something for yourself once in a while?

I know, I know, be happy with what you have and you won’t want anything else and yadda, yadda, yadda.  It’s not always that easy, though.


I’ve been getting a lot of shit lately. Been hearing that I’m too generous, too soft, too…I don’t even remember what else, I forgive too easily maybe?


I do forgive easily sometimes. I don’t easily forget though. I hold on to things. I hold grudges. But I forgive. I give second chances. Everyone deserves a second chance. I was once given a second chance, and I remember that every day.

I don’t think it’s wrong to accept an apology and move on. People make mistakes everyday. Sometimes you just have a moment of weakness. That one moment can even escalate and snowball into something much bigger than ever expected. It happens. It sucks and other people might get hurt in the crossfire. But, if you take responsibility for your actions, accept the consequences, and genuinely feel remorse then I think you deserve the benefit of the doubt that this will be the last time you make this mistake.

I know, some people aren’t as easily swayed as I am. And just because I forgive someone, doesn’t mean I don’t get angry at them or sad or embarrassed. I still go through all those negative emotions and it does take me some time to over come them.

It’s not always fair to judge a person by one mistake. I know how it feels to be on that side of the situation. Everyone could use a break now and then, especially when you feel like you’re all alone in the world. Like there’s no one on your side.

Making someone else feel like they’re the worst person in the world isn’t going to make anything better. It just prolongs the hurt.


Matthew West – Forgiveness (Official Lyric Video) from matthew-west .

The One That Got Away

I don’t know what’s going on lately, but the tides are turning for sure.

My friends, relationships, are different. The two people who I’ve been most absorbed with, the most worried about, are all different. My fears are becoming reality.

One has changed due to circumstances beyond my control. In fact, it has nothing to do with me whatsoever. I was just a bystander who was impacted by the explosion. But it doesn’t change the fact that it isn’t the same and probably won’t be.

The other has changed as a result of the first. Or, at least that’s the way it seems on the outside at the moment. Honestly I think it’s been going downhill for a few months. And it hurts.

It hurts because this is who I’ve stood by through everything without judgement. Watched him make mistakes and when he wouldn’t take my advice I didn’t make him feel like an asshole for it. Which is what he’s doing to me now. He doesn’t like decisions I’m making but instead of being a friend about it he keeps on me. I heard you, but I’m still choosing to take the path on the left. Just like I know you heard me when I gave you my advice and opinions, but I didn’t put you down when you chose to ignore me.

I’m sad, too, because this is someone who I had always talked to every day. But the past few months I’d be lucky if we talked once a week. There was a definite turning point. I know exactly when it was, I just don’t know why. Perhaps one day you’ll feel like filling me in on that – if we’re still talking.


What is it with the Daily Prompts this week? I feel  like someone is watching me and tailoring these prompts to fit my life. Today you give me fragile?  Really?? Good lord, I could write a whole book on that right now!

I’ve always been a fragile girl. Always emotional. My feelings get hurt super easy and I cry at the drop of a hat, let alone spilled milk! But as I grew older and little (not much) more mature, I learned how to not show my feelings so much. I learned (learning) to not take everything personally. I wouldn’t say that I became stronger, I just learned how to pretend to be strong.

The past few months or so you might say I’ve had reason enough to have a breakdown. So many things happening, so many changes, so many times when I’ve wanted to just rip my hair out and hide under my sheets all day. Actually, I may have done that last one once or twice last winter. But I got out of bed the next day and kept going.

And here I am today. Whether you like it or not, I am here and I am still going. My ego, my feelings are a little bruised and battered but I still stand tall.

I want to forget a lot of what has happened most recently. Emotionally I have to. As much as I want to, and I know I will, it’s taking a little while. Slowly but surely, life is once again feeling somewhat normal.

For now, I stand up and keep going pretending to be stronger than I am.



I told you I’m not good at making up my mind. And I also promised I wasn’t going to cry – or I would try not to at least. For the most part, I have done what I said. I consciously did not let myself cry over anything. But my subconscious didn’t hold up. I woke up in the middle of the night crying. I guess it is all but inevitable when life has you so perplexed.

I woke up from a dream, I know that much, but I only remember bits and pieces. I remember enough to know exactly what was going on but not with enough details to be able to explain it.  Honestly, I’d rather not remember them. I probably only had a few short dreams but last night it felt like I dreamt a lifetime. But I really don’t want to talk about those dreams. I’m tired of being depressed and bumming people out.

Maybe I just woke up like that because I needed to relieve some stress that has been building up recently. Maybe it had nothing to do with my dreams or anything that has been rattling inside my brain. Maybe I just really wanted to listen to Aerosmith today.

Whatever the reason is though, I wore my glasses to work today. Just in case.

Anyway, tomorrow is a new day. Heck, it’s still early enough in the day to start today again. So I think I’ll put on the Aerosmith station on Spotify and rock out a little at my desk.

I Miss My Friend

I woke up this morning in a much better mood than yesterday. Thank goodness.

I must have been thinking of all this in my sleep because I woke up with this thought: Why does anything need to change? I’m not that pissed off where we can’t just keep on as it was.

And that was that, I made up my mind.

But I am a huge asshat, and I tend to over think things. During my yoga practice this morning, though, it hit me like a brick. I said, “Whoa, hold up Lucy Lu*. Do you see anyone else wanting to keep things as they were?” The answer, unfortunately, is no. I don’t see or hear anything from anyone.  My answer can’t get any clearer than that.

And it’s fine. I said all along I wasn’t looking for any type of relationship. I’m still not. Not like what they have, or want.  But I do feel a void in my life now. Something is missing. I’ll fill it; I know I will eventually.

Keeping what we had is probably too radical an idea anyway. I think it would have been too morally confusing now. I don’t know if anyone could look at the situation in black and white, there’s so much gray area to consider.

So here I am, making up my mind, again. Perhaps because I realize I have no options, I won’t over think anything and keep this decision.

But I still miss my friend.

*The name has been changed to protect the innocent




Take A Bow

If I thought my emotions were on a roller coaster ride before, it sure didn’t prepare me for what I went through the past 4 days or so.

I was completely numb at first. Or maybe I was in denial. I just pushed anything I was feeling away; swept it under the bed so I didn’t have to deal with it.

I had the rug pulled out from under me, the wool pulled over my eyes, completely hoodwinked and any other way you want to put it.

I have felt totally pissed, embarrassed, like a complete idiot, heartbroken, and then I stopped caring. But I never cried.  I knew I’d never see or hear from this person again so I decided to put it behind me.

Then Saturday I got the shock of my life. Turns out I wasn’t the only person fooled, this I knew, but I found out the circumstances surrounding this masquerade. Everything hit me in the gut all over again. I’ve been trying to put it all out of my mind, I’m trying hard, but I just can’t. This was part of my daily life for the better part of a year. There was a certain zing to my life.

I guess maybe I’m lucky, the only thing I lost in all this was a friend. But a friend who I talked to everyday. Or did I? I guess it wasn’t real so can I even say I lost anything? And now I have no one to talk to about this. I am totally on my own with this one. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. If I can’t talk to anyone then I don’t have to admit that this was anything more to me.

I almost cried last night thinking about that. Almost,  but I was able to hold it back. I’m doing my best to keep it that way.

I hope this is the last I write about this but there are so many thoughts and questions going through my head. I can’t make any promises, sorry.

Say Goodbye

Sometimes I want to be the kind of girl who walks into a bar with her girlfriends and leaves with hot guy ready to fuck.

I know, not very classy, elegant or moral by any means. But God, I so need that kind of excitement right now. That kind of passion. I need to be sitting there and feel a strangers eyes on me. Lusting and wanting me. To know someone is showing an interest in me because he wants to, not because he has to. I don’t really think it’s a lot to ask.

I have everything I need at home. Except that.

I want to flirt with a stranger. I want to do more than flirt. I want to feel his fingers brush against my skin and his warm breath as he whispers in my ear. His soft lips on my lips.

I’m not looking for a relationship, just one night.

You know what, I probably wouldn’t even go home with anyone. I just want to know that it could happen. I want to pretend that it will happen.


Live To Tell

That dreaded moment when someone asks you a specific question and you freeze, trying to think of how to answer it. You realize that there is no right or wrong answer, but you need to be careful with how much you elaborate on your response. That’s where you could get into trouble.

I’ve been getting into trouble with saying too much lately. I find that both amusing and concerning because I don’t say very much to begin with.

In fact, I struggle with telling people my thoughts at all. I go back and forth wondering if I should say anything. I want the best for people, so I don’t take these decisions lightly. If I do say something, it’s only because I truly believe the person needs to know this information. Whether it be my opinion of a friend or relationship or if they are heading down a troubling path. My best friend’s husband is not my favorite person, not even close, and I am VERY conscientious of what I share with her when she is talking about him. But not just with her. With my friends, kids, husband, coworkers…other acquaintances.

You’d be amazed at how much I actually hold back. The little bit that I do share is usually just the tip of the iceberg. I really want to say that this guy is really only using you to get close to someone else, or be careful how much you share with this girl because if EITHER of you decide to move on in a different direction for whatever reason, she is going to go psycho hose beast all over you. Not to mention she is already way too clingy and dependent on you. But I won’t say any of this. I will just be your friend, or your mom, or your whatever and when you need me. When the time comes, or if you come right out and ask me, then I will say more.

I know a big reason that I don’t say what I’m really thinking is because I don’t want people mad at me. Many times the consequences of giving advice or just talking about something results in my having to apologize for it.

So I don’t say anything unless I’m asked.

Most of my thoughts (secrets) will go with me to my grave.